At the recent TCIA Virtual Summit, Kevin Caldwell was surprised to be presented with the 2020 TCIA Chair’s Award by the 2020-2121 TCIA Chair, Mundy Wilson Piper. The video of the presentation is available at https://365overview.tcia.org/, this particular portion starts at about 23 minutes in to the session.
The Chair’s Award is presented by the current chairperson of the TCIA Board to recognize outstanding contributions to the Association. Nominations for the Chair’s Award are made by the President and the Board of Directors of the TCIA.

Below is Kevin’s response to receiving the award.
“Kristen and I met Mundy, and her late husband Will, in Hawaii at WMC at that year’s farewell dinner. I knew the moment I meant her she was something special. Shortly thereafter, Will was diagnosed with cancer and passed suddenly in 2010.Mundy immediately took over the business they had built together – while dealing with her grief as well.
I recognized she needed space to both grieve and keep the business going, but I also knew that I was excited for the potential of her future involvement in and contribution to the field. I was not going to give up on prompting her to become a TCIA Board Member and to have her eye on eventually becoming Chair.
Since I had the pleasure of serving on the TCIA Board and as its 75th Chair, I have felt a continuing obligation to make contact with as many members at large as possible to encourage the growth of their involvement in this great organization. A particular interest has been encouraging those in whom I recognized the skills and drive of an up-and-coming leader by trying to support and grow their involvement to a greater depth.
Mundy was one of the people I recognized with that potential. It took little effort to coax her towards those goals. I knew all along that she would serve the organization well and would be an awesome Chair. Fast forward to today and she has completed her Chairmanship in fine fashion – especially given the tough challenges faced this year.
I am very proud of my “Tree Sister” Mundy. Her phenomenal skills as a leader showed clearly as she worked through this challenging year. I find it surreal to be accepting this year’s Chair’s Award from Mundy and consider it one of the most honorable profession moments of my life.
It is very gratifying to share this award with my tree brothers and sisters, as well as the extended family in our great TCIA organization. We all so fortunate to interact with such beautiful people on this platform.
Thanks, “Sis”!”